Warm up issue/Golf mk2/MS1 Extra

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Warm up issue/Golf mk2/MS1 Extra

Postby vromos » Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:15 pm

Hello guys,
My project is VW GOLF mk2 KR turbo and I have one question for you, if you can help me I will be greatfull to all of you.
My turbo is TD04L
Injectors 350cc 12om
Megasquirt 1 extra
this is just for information
my question is what can I do with my warm up/Cranking/after start enrichment tables to strat normally when the car is cold.
I attach my current settings.
Thank you in advice
http://alfa.kachi-snimka.info/vij.php?i ... 14935o.jpg
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Re: Warm up issue/Golf mk2/MS1 Extra

Postby Lotus23C » Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:55 pm

Micheal, as every car is different, I doubt you'll get a straight answer.
What are the symptoms?
With my first install on a toyota 4age 20v I had starting issues when cold. It would crank over all day and not fire up. I increased cranking pulse width considerably until it was OK and would then fire up straight away. At first nothing seemed to happen at all and I thought I was doing the wrong thing, although logic told me there were no other settings that would fix my engine not firing up. After some mucking around, it started to show some response to increase crank pulse.
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