initial setup attempts no spark

N' spark, EDIS etc

initial setup attempts no spark

Postby derekp19426 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:33 pm

the megasquirt is MS2 pcb 3.57 firmware ms2extra3.3.3
the engine is a 94 2.0L bottom end with 16valve head (so I'm using the 60 tooth internal wheel)
using wasted spark - 2 BIP373s and they are wired per this: ... squirt.htm
I believe any/all jumpers are correctly placed too

I've checked the wiring too many times - I'm pretty sure its wired ok
I check with a scope that I'm getting a nice clean signal (internally) at J1 from the crank trigger
I have 12v to my coil and wiring from MS to coil is good
I've checked my coil primary resistance (its a new coil too - dont have anything else I can check that with tho)
no spark
I'm using 60 tooth - 2 missing - 78 degree - 13 skip

Can anyone shed any light that may help me out with this
When cranking - I dont see signaling to the controlled side of the coil - not at the bips INPUTS either
Is there something in setup I may have missed that further enables spark output?
any help greatly appreciated
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