Ahhh.. today was the day of the great zip tie massacre
Wiring is about 98% done... Don't have the LC-1 hooked up yet. My exhaust will be in on Monday, so I will be able to finish that up once its all mounted. Other than that, just a few small bits here and there to finish up.
All in all I'm pretty happy with it.. a lot of ups and downs through out the day. Spent a lot of time frustrated trying to tame all the wires, but eventually got them all tucked in and routed nicely.
On to the pics..
overall shot:

and a closeup of the action

I think it came out pretty good.. I'm a perfectionist and still wish I could tidy up the wires even more, but without making a large mounting board and spreading everything way out, I don't think it could be any more organized.
I did pull out the laptop to the garage and got hooked up to the MS. A turn of the key and "verrrrrrrrrrmmmmmp" the fuel pump went through its priming pulse and Megatune connected to the ECM!
I took a few minutes to check out some things. I verified that my TPS was working properly at closed and WOT, and that both temp sensors were reading correctly. I also saved the .msq that Mario had loaded for me, and checked out the VE and spark tables. Now I need to go reread the startup guide in the megamanual to refresh my memory on the first start steps.
Anyways.. except for the exhaust and putting the gas tank back in the car, Its just almost ready to start!