Some ideas Mostly T3

Re: Some ideas

Postby vdubjim » Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:09 pm

Type 3................. Watercooled Vanagon .................. Weber IDF

So you can see the size diff. The type 3 runners are also TINY. the watercooled van ones wont fit the T3 tins OR type 1, but the endcasting would be great with custom runners.

Incase you didnt know the watercooled vanagon uses the same intake stud spacing, valve cover and exhaust ports as a T1 beetle.
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Re: Some ideas

Postby slowtwitch » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:52 am

Flyin wrote:For more of a standard look...ITB's that include the injector bung. Much simpler & much $$ too.

I lucked out and was able to get a set of these off somebody for $500. They were never used, the PO was just going in a different direction :D

Here's a picture of the ITB's installed, with my throttle cable setup..


Unfortunately, with the injectors in the above location, the engine would have been to wide to fit in my 57 oval.
So, I relocated the injectors :D I made up some injector bungs and installed them on my manifolds...


I also was able to get some PICO injectors, which gave me an additional 2" of room. Here you can see the difference in size, compared to a regular injector...


And here is the new setup ....
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Re: Some ideas

Postby vdubjim » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:57 pm

Thinking outloud more.....

Check this out. Looks like a weber bolt pattern? Its an 86-91 vanagon exhaust elbow......
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Re: Some ideas Mostly T3

Postby supaninja » Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:21 pm

Dude I really like your cable linkage. One day i'll be stuffing some ITB's onto a t4 motor and that linkage would be the bee's knees.
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Re: Some ideas Mostly T3

Postby vdubjim » Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:49 pm

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Re: Some ideas

Postby prof315 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:04 am

slowtwitch wrote:
Flyin wrote:For more of a standard look...ITB's that include the injector bung. Much simpler & much $$ too.

I lucked out and was able to get a set of these off somebody for $500. They were never used, the PO was just going in a different direction :D

Here's a picture of the ITB's installed, with my throttle cable setup..


Unfortunately, with the injectors in the above location, the engine would have been to wide to fit in my 57 oval.
So, I relocated the injectors :D I made up some injector bungs and installed them on my manifolds...


I also was able to get some PICO injectors, which gave me an additional 2" of room. Here you can see the difference in size, compared to a regular injector...


And here is the new setup ....

Be careful with the extrudabody fuel rails and brackets...... they don't like vibration. We almost lost the boss's race car last year due to an extrudabody fuel rail failure. It shook the AN fitting off the end and the spraying fuel started a nasty fire (114 octane race gas burns really hot and fast!).
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Re: Some ideas Mostly T3

Postby vdubjim » Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:50 pm

Saw a post on using IDF mani with standard bike bolt on spiggots.

drew up this pic based on the super shorty intake manis and gsxr TB cutaway pic. Not quite a sure shot.
gxr t3.jpg
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Re: Some ideas Mostly T3

Postby vdubjim » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:55 pm

Here are some measurements for a CB IDF EFI manifold.
Yes the pic is not one, but best i could do.
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