no injection pulse??

Which works best?

no injection pulse??

Postby gli4life » Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:47 am

i have ms1 v2.2 running msns extra, i used the ecu mod from diyautotune to run the Bosch ignition module. its all on a 91 gti 16v, i've got a msq from another 16v running g60 injectors and similar parts, close enough to get it to start atleast. i have spark and everything reads on the megatune when i try and start it but no injector pulsing, i have correct power to them but when i test the other pin on the injector with my test light to ground it lights up and at the same time turns the other injector on that driver on. weird, i thought it might but something in the wiring but when unpluged from the ecu it doesn't have power on the other pin for the injector.
i also tried putting the stimulator on again to see if something inside wasn't working right but the stim shows the injectors pulsing correctly. if anybody has any ideas or could point me in the correct direction that would be much appreciated.
thanks ryan
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Re: no injection pulse??

Postby prof315 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:53 pm

Well the best way to accurately test injector circuits on the car is with a "noid" light. Unplug the injector, plug in the light, crank the engine.... if it flashes while you are cranking the circuitry and wiring is ok. Also if you have the squirts on simultaneous all 4 injectors fire at the same time if squirts are alternating they fire in banks of 2 injectors each.
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