Got a little more done at work today..
So my KKK K24 has a slightly different flange than a normal T3 turbo. I knew this going into it, but had read online that with some quick re-drilling of a T3 flange, the K24 will bolt up.
Here you can kind of see the flange on the K24

First I thought it would be a pretty easy modification, until I got the header to work and realized that the number four and three primary tubes were in the way. No matter what we tried, we couldn't get any of the tooling in the mill close enough to the turbo flange without hitting the primarys. Our solution.. cut if off the header for easy access.
Yikes... I'm not a big fan of cutting on a brand new $250 header, but you got to do what you got to do.

With the end cut off, it was real easy to chuck up in the mill and bore new holes for the smaller K24 flange.

I brought the cut off part home to verify if fits the turbo, and it does. So tomorrow we'll be tig'ing it all back up.
My other plans for tomorrow include modifying my oil sender adapter for my turbo feed, doing a slight mod to my turbo feed flange, and modifying my FPR adjusting screw so its boost referenced.