fuel rail

Which works best?

fuel rail

Postby mkdubbn » Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:35 pm

I was at the wrecking yard,and took off a fuel.For practice.
Actualy I did not like it because it was plastic.I also noticed it was held
down different,or atleast not by the valve cover retaners.
What have you used?
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Re: fuel rail

Postby prof315 » Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:43 am

On counter flow heads I use a Digi fuel rail (yes it's plastic) and on newer stuff I use the stock rail, some are plastic and some aren't. They have worked better than aftermarket stuff. We were using extrudabody custom aluminum rails on the race cars and had MAJOR problems. Like almost burned the bosses tube frame car to the ground problems.
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