Fuel Pump - FORD from megamanual

Which works best?

Fuel Pump - FORD from megamanual

Postby vdubjim » Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:15 pm

just for the part numbers

The external pumps used in Ford F150 fuel injected trucks from the 89-93 model years are
Delco EP286
. At 12 volts, the operating pressure is 70-95 PSI with 36-40 gals per hour. The
biggest Delco pump is the
, which is 75-90 PSI at 40 gals per hour. EP 268 is a GM#
25117086, EP 424 is a GM# 25176156.
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Re: Fuel Pump - FORD from megamanual

Postby prof315 » Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:43 am

The factory Bosch pumps on any CIS or later VW also work fine.
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Re: Fuel Pump - FORD from megamanual

Postby vdubjim » Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:53 am

but are expensive! and lately in my neck of the woods, oklahoma, seem to go bad alot even new ones! Is it the ethanol?
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Re: Fuel Pump - FORD from megamanual

Postby oilpangasket » Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:06 pm

It could be the ethanol, but to my knowledge they have been adding 10% ethanol to pump gas for years. One thing to try on older CIS or Digifant fuel pumps when they stop working is hook them up backwards and let them run in reverse for a few seconds. Sometimes the gears get jammed up with grit and wont turn. I made a jumper plug when I had my MK2 to do this. Every time my pump would quit, I crawled under it and just hooked it up in reverse and it freed itself. I eventually installed an MSD fuel pump but the jumper trick works sometimes.
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