My first impressions... MAN I LOVE THE SOUND OF THAT TURBO. There is just something about the sound of it spooling up as your pulling away from a stop. Makes me smile every time
So I'm still VERY rough on tuning. I spent a lot of time over the weekend sorting out other small problems that didn't leave me as much time to tune as I wanted to. My plan was to start it up on Saturday, set the idle up, then start tuning the VE table. What actually happened was that I spent half the day chasing my tail trying to start the engine trying to figure out if I was having starter problems or ignition problems. In the end, it turned out it was both. Once I finally gave in a went to the autoparts store to pick up a new starter, then I was actually able to crank the engine over enough to figure out that my timing was out of phase. Turns out I just had my EDIS A and B coil triggers reversed. Oh and by the way, this is another plug for Mario. He told me to call him if I was having any trouble when I was working on it, and we talked two or three times throughout the day. It sure was great to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Excellent service!!!!
After I got it started it ran smooth as can be. I let it warm up and did a little tuning on the idle VE values to get a good MAP. During this time I noticed a few small oil leaks from my new full flow lines, and that my silicon hoses on my intake runners would halfway collapse under vacuum. So at the close of Saturday I spent my time fixing the few leaks and slipping in some 1.5" OD stainless tubing into my silicon runners to keep them from collapsing.
Sunday started with a little bit of struggling. I was having trouble starting it again and couldn't figure out how it ran so great the day before, but I couldn't get it running worth a crap then. Turns out during my maintenance the night before, I switched a couple of plug wires around. Oops

Once that was fixed it fired right up. After that I spent some time driving around doing data logs but by the end of the day I didn't like where it was headed, so I back tracked a little bit after changing some of my settings in Megatune. This was mostly my fault. I goofed on my AFR target table. I'm primairly using data logs and megalog VE analyzer for tuning right now. If I don't get the results I'm looking for, I'll do more by hand.
Anyway.. here is proof that it runs. Keep in mind this is with very little tuning, and my accel enrichments are completely off (yes I figured out I don't have to turn of my accel enrichments for megalog viewer, it has that nice fancy filter that will over look them).
Removed the video.. see the more current one with a good tune in posts below.