FI Beetle - German Plenum/TB,EDIS,MS1,K24 Turbo

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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby vdubjim » Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:41 am

What about something like this?
Vintage Kadron style

One comment also, why not put the FI pump on the other side so when you mess with your brakes you dont have to move it or get it covered in fluid?
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:59 am

Yea, I just found that K&N makes a nice looking filter that will fit, I just don't want to spend another $50 on an air filter right now. ... ccessories ... ccessories
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:06 am

vdubjim wrote:One comment also, why not put the FI pump on the other side so when you mess with your brakes you dont have to move it or get it covered in fluid?

Thats a good question. I wanted to run the rigid line down the drives side of the chassis, and there was no easy way to get the line crossed back over to the other side and keep it protected. I didn't want fuel lines just running all over the car, I wanted to minimize the complexity of the fuel system. That way its easier to periodically check it, and spot/fix problems.

That being said, I always pull the tank when working on brakes or fuel system, so its not going to make anything more difficult down the road.
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby vdubjim » Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:08 pm

its beetle stuff, there is always cheaper!!! :) 50.00? NAH 15.00! and chirco is NOT the cheapest place around ... ts_id=2786
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:34 pm

vdubjim wrote:its beetle stuff, there is always cheaper!!! :) 50.00? NAH 15.00! and chirco is NOT the cheapest place around ... ts_id=2786

Those wont fit the throttle body. The TB has a raised lip all around the outer edge, so it needs something pliable like a rubber filter to form around it.
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby vdubjim » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:40 am

im sure there is something out there besides that K&N.
The airfilters that came with my 34ICT had the rubber necks, and came from empi.
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:29 pm

Made some more progress:

Engine is back in the car



Got the right hand rail back in. I can still see the gauge fine.


Some basic construction done on my ECM and relay board mount. I'm going to test fit everything, and then I'll be covering it in black vinyl.



It will be located behind the rear seat.


Also got my gauge panel done. Everything is mounted and the wiring is run to the back.


Here is the wiring mocked up in the engine compartment. Ignore the yellow zip ties, I was using them for mock up. Once I get everything located where I want, I'll replace them with black ones.


Making good progress, but the inside of the car looks like it threw up a bunch of wires.



And the wifey caught an action shot

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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:22 pm

Man.. just been beat the last few nights after work, and didn't get much done on the car. After a few good nights sleep to catch back up, the wifey and I covered the ECM mount. My wifey is very handy with the sewing machine and fabrics, so I enlisted her help to get the mount covered.

As it started:


I broke it all down on the table


Started cutting out my vinyl


Couple a folds here and a couple there, blam blam with the staple gun and whalah.


I put some velcro on the bottom of the upright supports so it would bite into the carpet and stay put. Here it is in the car


And some of my wiring notes I made when I was flying to alabama last week


I'll be using the terminal blocks to distribute out some power between a few different things, as well as provide a central location for all of my engine grounds.

Anyways.. hope to make some good strides in getting the wiring in order this weekend.
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:39 pm

Not too much happening lately... been busy with some other things, and I'm hung up waiting on some other parts so there hasn't much rush to finish the wiring. My plan is to get a good portion of it done on Saturday.

I did get the coil mounted. I purchased a set of Accel wires that were cut to length so I could mount my coil on the upper right firewall. I wanted to get some regular black or grey wires that wouldn't stand out too much, but my only choices were red or blue, so I picked the lesser of two evils. In the process of making a mount for the coil, I broke the used coil that I purchased from boostengineering, so I had to pick a new one up from my flaps..


The only thing I don't really like is the amount of wires I have in the engine compartment. It looks a little busy to me, but I'm used to pretty simplistic wiring with carbs and distributor. My wifey just laughed when I told her and she said "you can't have it all".. guess shes right :mrgreen:

Should be running soon.. got my shipping notification from CB Perf that my exhaust is on its way, so finally the last few pieces are on the way.
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Re: FI- Beetle Build - German Plenum/TB,EDIS, & MS1

Postby Vee Dub Nut » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:19 pm

Ahhh.. today was the day of the great zip tie massacre :twisted:

Wiring is about 98% done... Don't have the LC-1 hooked up yet. My exhaust will be in on Monday, so I will be able to finish that up once its all mounted. Other than that, just a few small bits here and there to finish up.

All in all I'm pretty happy with it.. a lot of ups and downs through out the day. Spent a lot of time frustrated trying to tame all the wires, but eventually got them all tucked in and routed nicely.

On to the pics..

overall shot:


and a closeup of the action


I think it came out pretty good.. I'm a perfectionist and still wish I could tidy up the wires even more, but without making a large mounting board and spreading everything way out, I don't think it could be any more organized.

I did pull out the laptop to the garage and got hooked up to the MS. A turn of the key and "verrrrrrrrrrmmmmmp" the fuel pump went through its priming pulse and Megatune connected to the ECM!

I took a few minutes to check out some things. I verified that my TPS was working properly at closed and WOT, and that both temp sensors were reading correctly. I also saved the .msq that Mario had loaded for me, and checked out the VE and spark tables. Now I need to go reread the startup guide in the megamanual to refresh my memory on the first start steps.

Anyways.. except for the exhaust and putting the gas tank back in the car, Its just almost ready to start!
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